Pastor Shea McGrew

Shea McGrew serves as the pastor and synodically authorized minister for the Hope Lutheran Church, offering spiritual leadership and guidance. With a rich background in theological study and service, Pastor McGrew brings a deep commitment to inclusivity, community service, and spiritual growth. Their approach is marked by dynamic sermons, and the initiation of programs aimed at extending the church's mission. Pastor McGrew’s vision for the congregation emphasizes growth in faith and community impact, fostering an environment where everyone is welcome and encouraged to live out their faith actively.

Liz Burks, Chief Administrator

Liz Burks serves as the Chief Administrator for Hope Lutheran Church, where her organizational expertise and dedication play a crucial role in the smooth operation of church activities. Liz is the linchpin that ensures the seamless execution of Sunday morning services, from logistics to coordinating volunteer efforts. Her talent extends to crafting engaging newsletters that keep the congregation informed and connected, alongside her pivotal role in orchestrating major events that bring the community together.

Beyond her administrative role, Liz is deeply committed to the church's mission, working tirelessly behind the scenes to support various ministries and outreach programs. Her ability to manage, organize, and execute complex tasks with grace is instrumental in fostering a welcoming and well-coordinated environment. Liz's contributions are not just logistical but are also infused with a spirit of service and dedication, making her an invaluable asset to the Hope Lutheran Church community.

Kathy Wilhelm, Youth Programming Leader

Kathy Wilhelm leads the youth programming at Hope Lutheran Church, guiding the younger members of our congregation through their spiritual journey with innovative and engaging activities. Kathy's role is pivotal in developing a vibrant youth ministry that not only nurtures faith but also encourages active participation in the church and broader community. Her approach is hands-on, facilitating discussions, service projects, and fellowship events that build character, faith, and a sense of community leadership among the youth. Kathy’s dedication to her role is evident in the positive impact she has on the lives of the young people she mentors, making her an essential part of Hope Lutheran Church’s mission to guide the next generation in their faith journey.

Sunday School Superintendant

The Sunday School Superintendent at Hope Lutheran Church plays a critical role in shaping the spiritual education of our youngest members. With a deep passion for teaching and a profound understanding of Christian education, they oversee a comprehensive Sunday School program that caters to children of all ages. Under their leadership, the program is designed to be both enlightening and engaging, ensuring that each lesson resonates with the children and fosters a lasting connection to their faith. They work closely with a dedicated team of teachers and volunteers to develop curriculum that is biblically grounded and relevant to today's world for weekly Sunday School during the church service, and also help develop the activities, and discussions that are the foundation of our summer Vacation Bible School. Their leadership ensures that Hope Lutheran Church's Sunday School is a place where children are excited to learn, grow, and become active participants in their faith community.

Council President

As the council president of Hope Lutheran Church, Jack embodies the spirit of leadership and dedication essential to guiding our church community. With a deep commitment to the church's mission and values, Jack plays a pivotal role in steering the congregation toward a bright and faithful future. Their responsibilities include overseeing church operations, working closely with the pastoral team and church staff, and ensuring that the strategic objectives of the congregation are met with integrity and vision.

Jack’s leadership style is characterized by collaboration, open communication, and a genuine passion for serving the church community. They are instrumental in fostering a sense of unity and purpose among church members, facilitating important decisions, and representing the congregation's interests in all church affairs.